Is it bitter or is it sweet? You’ll never know until you’ve taken a sip… and then you’ll want more of it.
Soft flavours of anise, pomegranate and citrus and a sweet aftertaste. Even if you don’t like the taste of star anise. You will like this gin.
The aniseed flavor can be softened by adding the seed in the middle of the ingredients rather than on the bottom.
- 43 grams pomegranate
- 1 star anise (use only one particle of the star)
- 0,4 g lemon zest or use dried lemon zest
- 0,1 g Liquorice
- 1 g orange peel
- 0,1 g coriander
- 500 ml basic quality Gin
1. Cut the V60 filter up to the estimated height of the ingredients.
2. Break one seed of the star anise and put on the bottom of the filter.
3. Remove the seeds from the pomegranate and put the desired quantity in the filter.
4. Crush the coriander with a mortar and add a pinch of licorice and cover the pomegranate.
5. Cut the lemon zest in small strips and put them on top.
6. Tear the orange peel in small pieces and put them on top.
7. Cover the ingredients with a top filter.
8. Add Bankes London Dry Gin in the dripper. Or choose another basic quality gin.
9. Adjust dripping speed to 1 drip per second.
10. Allow time and gravity to do the work.
11. Read a good book!